Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Bahasa inggris Bisnis 2

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Understanding TOEFL and TOEIC
When driving around in cyberspace, aka blog-walk, I found this article Pakuan LIA. From there I get a little understanding of the difference TOEFL and TOEIC, which I thought the same.
On that page is written:

TOEFL Prediction Test (EPT: English Proficiency Test)
EPT is a test that has been developed by LBPP-LIA to measure English language skills using standards similar measurements TOEFL test. This test is intended to provide predictions that are close to the actual TOEFL.

Prediction TOEIC Test (BET: Business English Test)
BET is also a predictive test which uses the standards of measurement capabilities similar to the TOEIC test. The result is also a prediction that approaches the actual TOEIC.
Language Competency Test standard DIKNAS (TUK-BIG: English Competency Testing)
Tests which is a collaboration with the LSK-BIG (English Language Competency Certification Institute) offers English language proficiency test results certified by DIKNAS (Ministry of Education).
Why? Explanation of why not is called the difference huh? Yeah, all right.
If from the stands for:
·         TOEFL: Test of English as Foreign Language
·         TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication
I know, it benar2 TOEFL complicated, particularly "heavy" in terms of sentence structure and grammar. For TOEIC, I assess it easier and simpler, because it uses words and vocabularies are used everyday. So my own conclusions, such as the name of the test that was chosen by the LIA: English Proficiency Test. In Indonesian, English Proficiency Tests. For the so-called Business English TOEIC Test. In Indonesian, English Test for Business.

Of the range of values, as the picture I've got a score of 520 for TOEFL and 810 for TOEIC. That is, the greater the range of TOEIC scores.

For usability, perusahaan2 in Indonesia (including civil servants and SOE) require TOEFL. But "do not coba2" ORIGINAL find that TOEFL certificate, going dizzy ente. The requirement is that the certificate which is issued by the English Government Recognized reply. If TOEIC, I have a certificate that is issued by ETS ORIGINAL. This certificate I got from my campus, UB. For those who are still desperate general kepengen got this certificate, I can contact the campus (first building on UB Business Incubator, next to Malang Town Square, the District of Malang - East Java).

A little extra Opinion, I would encourage people to switch to the TOEIC Indonesia (or standard test that the new Department of Education). Why? Excuse me, TOEFL is very complicated, as complicated secondary education curriculum in Indonesia (hehehe ...). Because of the complexity, may I suggest you to berakrab fun with Miss Blue Betty: Grammar books that speak English Dictionary thick. I also read reservations TOEFL score> 600 for employees of the Ministry of Commerce, hmmm ... Though it jelas2 the world of business well. In my heart, just know little problem already put on ...

When my writing is confusing (or intimidating), I recommend to read this: His name Is this the TOEFL.
I am well aware if the event is being held in Kompasiana "Language Month". Writing this I have no intention other than just sharing.


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